Ann Haviland Haviland of Laboratories. Established by Ann Haviland in West 57th Street in 1909. Ann Haviland reportedly learned the art of perfumery in far off Smyrna, Turkey, Where She Lived as a girl.
By 1970 the company WAS Ann Haviland perfume sold to Coper Laboratories to form Haviland-Weil Parfums to distribute Both Ann Haviland and Perfumes Weil's fragrances in the USA. The Ann Haviland perfumes Were discontinued by 1974.
In 1917 silent movie actress Theda Bara, named Ann Haviland as the "poetess of perfume."
A 1920 newspaper item references That "Miss Ann Haviland, of New York, Who Makes individual perfumes to order and can Distinguish more than 400 varieties When she is blindfolded and reconnu today as the one woman owns her own perfume Have you laboratory in New York."
In addition to the loose Sachet Powder, Ann Haviland offers pillow sachets All which are convenient to tuck Among your hankies, stockings, lingerie, etc.. Ann Haviland bags of exquisite quality satin boudoir in lovely colors. Ann Haviland HAS veritable garden of delightful scents in her wonderful soaps bags toilet waters bath salts etc. Just about as pretty as a gift can be
The perfumes of Ann Haviland:
- 1914 Autumn Pink / Pinx
- 1914 Tropic Gardenia
- 1934 Gardenia
- 1935 Daphne
- 1939 Celeste
- 1939 Perhaps (a floral perfume)
- 1939 Lily of the Valley
- 1944 First Love
- 1944 Wood Violet
- 1945 Carnation
- 1946 Purple Lilac
- 1948 Blue Hyacinth
- 1950 Jasmin of the Night
- 1959 Christmas Flowers
- 1967 ODAmour
The perfume Daphne waa Exclusively created for the Jay Thorpe department store to be sold under Their Own label.Wood Violet WAS Described in ads as "Dewy, enchanting, a light and airy scene reminiscent .. like purple violets picked Effective year April rain."
Purple Lilac WAS Described in ads as "Purple Lilac Sends Your Spirits Skyward. There's nothing like a fresh flower fragrance to start your spirits racing Toward the clouds to bring a light and sweet touch to winter. And there's definitely no floral fragrance to excel Ann Haviland's -. Especially this one That truly captures the pure essence of lilacs Purple Lilac Is Like a Fresh fragrant bouquet with enchanting romance as purple lilac in full bloom Available in perfume, toilet water, body powder, talcum, bath salts, sachet, bath oil. and soap. "
Gardenia WAS Described in ads as "an exquisite fragrance.,-Combining sophistication with gracious femininity. A really choice gardenia holding all the sophisticated look you'd expect from Ann Haviland."
Carnation WAS Described in ads as "the spicy fragrance of a fresh bouquet clear as a spring breeze. Available in toilet water, bath powder, talcum powder."
Jasmine of the Night WAS Described in ads as "intense the true scent of the night flowering jasmine That drifts through southern windows like the romantic strains of a serenade .. lovely intricacy devised by this genius of flower fragrances, and Entirely new. Perfume and water toilet available. "
Blue Hyacinth WAS Described in ads as "a memorable whisper of dew drenched gardens, refresh yourself with the luxury of Blue Hyacinth. The true fragrance of Spring blossoming blue hyacinths captured by Ann Haviland. Available in toilet water, Grecian bath oil, sachet, talc , perfume, bath powder. "
Lily of the Valley Described as "a soft echo of vibrant warmth When she feels younger than Springtime."
Perhaps WAS Described as "Perhaps toiler water capturing the haunting loveliness gold Many romantic moods.Perhaps Is an elusive fragrance That Makes You guess"
A 1924 ad for Ann Haviland perfumes Suggests:
# 1. to apply perfume to your eyebrows as the short hairs of the eyebrows retain the perfume along than the skin since evaporation takes up more slowly.Besides, this is an ideal two-some, Usually the girl comes up to a man's chin, not far below his nose.
# 2. One little known method of applying perfume is to saturate a piece of cotton with your scent Chosen Place it under the shoulder strap of your underpants. Body heat releases an aura about you.
# 3. A glamorous method of using perfume is to spray it on the hem of your evening gown, Then as you walk or dance, the fragrance is wafted into the air around you. This is the best way to do it.
# 4. Another point is to apply perfume to the inside of your gloves, while your gloves are on, the warmth of your hands attra the perfume Will All which cling to the fingers.