Erizma, established in 1885 by J. Bijon and created rare luxury presentations. They also were exporters to the far East. Erizma was a toiletry company making cosmetics, perfumes, soap, lotions and other products such as powders and depiliatories.
The perfume for Rose D'Amour was presented in a Cristalleries de Baccarat flacon.
These other perfumes were found but I do not know their launch dates.
The perfume for Rose D'Amour was presented in a Cristalleries de Baccarat flacon.
The perfumes of Erizma
- 1885 El Ghali
- 1890 Christiane
- 1900 Gouttes de Fleur
- 1900 Peau d'Espagne
- 1900 Ambre
- 1900 Foin
- 1900 Muguet
- 1900 Lilas
- 1900 Fougere
- 1900 Lilas
- 1900 Origan
- 1900 Oeillet
- 1900 Jasmin
- 1900 Mimosa
- 1900 Rose
- 1900 Le Secret d'Une Fleur
- 1900 Fleur d’avril
- 1900 Savon a la Heliotrope
- 1900 Savon aux Violettes
- 1900 Savon Fleurs d’avril
- 1900 savon extra fin
- 1908 Thamyris
- 1908 Sardoma
- 1908 Rose d'Amour
- 1910 Djita
- 1925 Sirdha
- 1940 Coquin
- 1940 Aube Naissante
- Royal Corydalis
- Kiki
- Nizea
- Mimosa de Monte Carlo
- Jasmin Renaissance
- Giroflée Renaissance
- Mon Pays
- Œillet Empire
- Trèfle Rouge
- Un Defi
These other perfumes were found but I do not know their launch dates.
- Aube Naissante
- Giroflée Renaissance
- Heliotrope
- Jasmin Renaissance
- Ki Ki
- Mimosa de Monte Carlo
- Mon Pays
- Œillet Empire
- Rose D'Amour
- Thamyris
- Trèfle Rouge
- Un Defi
- Lotion de Medicis
French-English Exhibition of London 1908. This exhibition was an active demonstration of the political entente between Britain and France. Bulletin de la maison Roure-Bertrand fils. Grasse: impr. E. Imbert, 1908.