This guide with help you translate some of the most common words that are found or may be found on French or German antiques and vintage collectibles.
Occasionally in the world of antiques, you may come across a mark, DEP, which could mean either Depose or Deponiert. This mark is commonly found on German or French bisque dolls, celluloid, porcelain, jewelry, glass or metal goods. Dep stands for the German word Deponiert which means registered, or copyright. Dep is also a shortened form of Depose which is French for registered.
Without knowing a manufacturer or country of origin, it is safe to say that if your item is marked DEP, it is most likely of French or German manufacture.
Here is a short list of other words related to patents or other markings found on German antiques:
Sometimes DEP is accompanied by GES to form the following mark DEP/GES, the GES is an abbreviated form of the word Geschutz, if you see this mark, your piece is of German origin. Sometimes people think that Geschutz is a manufacturer, in reality it only means "protected against copying" in German.
Occasionally in the world of antiques, you may come across a mark, DEP, which could mean either Depose or Deponiert. This mark is commonly found on German or French bisque dolls, celluloid, porcelain, jewelry, glass or metal goods. Dep stands for the German word Deponiert which means registered, or copyright. Dep is also a shortened form of Depose which is French for registered.
Without knowing a manufacturer or country of origin, it is safe to say that if your item is marked DEP, it is most likely of French or German manufacture.
Here is a short list of other words related to patents or other markings found on German antiques:
- Angestrichen mit der Hand: handpainted
- Besteuern Sie Steuer: excise tax
Sometimes DEP is accompanied by GES to form the following mark DEP/GES, the GES is an abbreviated form of the word Geschutz, if you see this mark, your piece is of German origin. Sometimes people think that Geschutz is a manufacturer, in reality it only means "protected against copying" in German.
- DRGM, a German patent mark that stands for Deutsches Reich Geschmacksmuste
- DRP is German for Deutsches Reich Patent
- Fabrikmarke: factory mark
- Frankreich: France
- Gegr. : an abbreviated form of the word gegrundet which means established/founded
- Gebruder: brothers
- Ges. Gesch. : abbreviated form of Gesetzlich Geschutzt: legally protected, patented, copyrighted
- Ges. Mbh: company or corporation
- Glashuttenwerk: glassworks factory
- Glassmanufaktur: glassworks factory
- Hochfeine: fine quality/high quality
- Juwelier: jeweler
- Kristall: crystal
- Kunststoff: plastic
- Kupfer: copper
- Musterschutz: copyright
- Papierstoff: papier mache
- Porzellanfabrik: porcelain factory, this mark is sometimes on the back of dinnerware.
- Abteilung: department
- Schutzmarke: trade mark
- Silber: silver
- Steingurfabrik: stoneware factory
- Tschechoslowake: Czechoslovakia
- Verboten: prohibited
- Waschbar: washable
- Werkstatte: workshop/studio
- West Germany: used from 1948-1991 (useful in dating vintage costume jewelry)
- Zelluloid: celluloid
- Zettel: label
- Zinn: tin/pewter
- Zoll Abteilung: customs department
Here is a short list of other words related to patents found on French antiques:
- Alliage: alloy
- Antiquité: antique
- Argent: silver
- Atelier: studio
- Brevete: this word is commonly found on French items and some people mistake it fo a manufacturers marking, but it simply means patented.
- Bté. SGDG: means "patented." It is shortened from the phrase Breveté Sans Garantie du Gouvernement which means "Patented without State Guarantee."
- Cie./Compagnie: company
- Cristallerie: glass factory
- Cuivre: copper
- Cuivre jaune: brass
- Decore a la main: hand decorated
- Decore par: decorated by
- Département de douanes: customs department
- Depose: registered
- Drapier: clothier
- Email: enamel/paint
- Etain: tin
- Et Fils: and Son
- Etats Unis: United States
- Exciser l'impôt: excise tax
- Exportation: export
- Fabrique Par: manufactured by
- Grand Magasin: department store
- Impôt: tax
- Joaillier: jeweler
- le Celluloïd: celluloid
- le Plastique: plastic
- Marque déposée: trademark
- Marque de Fabrique: this word means trade mark.
- Millésime: vintage
- Métal: metal
- Modele Depose: Registered Design
- Or: gold
- Orfevre: silversmith
- Peint à la Main: hand painted
- Porcelaine Fabrique: porcelain factory, sometimes found on the back of dinnerware.
- Ste. : an abbreviation for Societe
- Tcheqoslovaquie: Czechslovakia
- Vendeur: seller
- Verrier: glassworker
- Verrerie: glass works factory